Tuesday, March 2, 2010

hola hola

i woke up bright and early this morning to register. 5:30 am is a ridiculous registration time for college kids if you ask me.

but i got all the classes i wanted!
well, all the classes i need to take for my major.

i think it's so dumb how i can't just take classes i want to. we pay so much money for college and we're all still controlled.
ideally i'd want to take spanish, french, danish and some literature class.

which is another thing! at rcc i made finished french 2 and spanish 2.
here though, that puts me in elementary spanish, and intermediate french! it makes no sense!
i really hope the spanish i'm taking isn't going to be too simple. for three years i've taken basically the same level and never progressed in the language because i'm always changing school or something. devastating.

i wish i could just take the level of spanish i thought i was in. even if i'm not ready for it, and fail the class, at least it would be more advanced. too impatient!

in other news,
yesterday had it's up and downs.
i broke the ipod i've had since my sophomore year of high school. devastating.
but stevan told me that the new ipod shuffles are only $49 and they hold something like 3,000 songs!
not devastating.

i bought my bus ticket to go to portland this friday. $51! :(
hopefully it'll be fun. it'll be nice to get out of seattle for a little to be with people i know well. and i'm excited to take the greyhound! hopefully it all works out.

it was warm this morning, and now i'm freezing.

lengingknegeiunhg this was a lame post. sorry

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