Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Greetings from the Law School at UW.
I'm sitting in the coffee area of this school, sipping on an Americano. This is a beautiful building! Take a look:

I asked the nice lady sitting next to me if she knew anything about this building. A random question to ask a random person, but whatever.
She told me that Bill Gates funded this building completely when his dad died. It's so pretty.
She was really nice. i like her boots too. I think i'll tell her that right now.

It's like permanent sunshine in here. Seriously.

Too bad everyone here is learning how to be a lawyer. I took out my book on Marxism and could feel all the stares.

Anyways, today nothing too special has happened. i was extremely productive. But i've always found productive people to be a bore.
Germans are sitting next to me. Cool.

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