Friday, February 12, 2010

I just updated, but i have no life, so whatever. Here's another post.
OMG Fremont is my favorite!
I love Ballard, but Fremont is pretty freaking cool. i just love the quirky Seattle boroughs. They are so unique and what I would define as quintessential Seattle. Pikes Place/Downtown is definitely a must, but if you could visit the lesser known, more local neighborhoods of this city I would highly recommend it. They have cheap and delicious food, fun and significantly nice people, and best of all, the cutest cafes in existence.
Fremont surprisingly didn't have many cafes, so Olimpija and I decided to drink our coffee in a bakery. OMG resisting their food was a toughy. Bakeries are a definite weakness of mine.
Oli and I decided to walk from the University to Fremont, which is only about a mile walk, but it ended up pouring on us. And since it was super windy, the walk was kinda agonizing. oh well it built character. Our pants were soaked though!

The first store we walked into of Fremont was this super expensive botique that this Swiss man owned. We talked to him for maybe 20 minutes. he was the nicest guy ever! he let us munch on swiss chocolate, and even gave us a free gift to send home since we told him we both weren't from here. so awesome!
plus, he had a husky. and those are the most beautiful dogs in existence. man, i wish i had a dog.

i'll stop being boring with my talking and post some pictures of Fremont...

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